Saturday, 30. July 2011
Friede fängt mit Zuhören an - peace starts with listening

for the English version see

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this was peacecamp 2011 - Dóra Kótai

This was Peacecamp 2011

This is the fourth time for me in a peacecamp and I have to say, even though all four times the experience was different, I've always enjoyed being part of it.
Every year, peacecamp is a bit different, some activities change, some of the adult staff members change, but the core is still to try and talk about issues concerning our life and future.
I think it is a very difficult task to express our feelings to others, but in the camp I always feel like I'm with good friends who allow and encourage me to do so.
This year the brilliant history sessions of Markus Priller and Ilan Baruch not only helped the participants to talk about their country's current situation freely, but gave lots of knowledge to the others and the possibility to discuss what could be done in the Middle-East.
Regular teenagers had such amazing ideas and concepts about building a better Israel that I was just listening to them and thinking they will sure do great things in the future.
The most important thing is that I know how the large groups and the history sessions made the children think about their own ideas, prejudices or simply "the other side".
In my view this peacecamp was more serious than the previous ones, with very mature participants, sharing pain and happiness with each other not only for ten days in Austria, but presumably for the rest of their lives.
I hope and know the Israelis and the Palestinians will carry on trying to establish peace in Israel and the Austrians and the Hungarians will also do everything they possibly can to promote peace wherever they may go.

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