Thursday, 11. August 2011
this was peacecamp 2011 - Sámuel Kovács, Hungarian delegation

This was Peacecamp 2011

When my teacher told me, that I can go to the Peacecamp, at first I didn’t understand why I was chosen, because I found my english not good enough, actually I’ve been learning english only for 2 years, so I was a bit afraid it. Nevertheless I was of course very happy to go.

When I got of the bus I feel a bit alone and I didn’t know, what will be my partners like.
Honestly I have had some prejudices Jews and Arabs before the camp, but some days later I found out that I have no reason for that. All people in the camp were very friendy, helpful and tolerant.

At first I supposed that we can’t solve the ancient problems between the Jews and Arabs, but when we spend some days there, I found out that these people really want to find a solution this situation, but I didn’t dare always express my opinion in the large group.
I found the Jews history very interesting, so I’ve started to deal whit it.

I found most of programmes very intresting, like yoga and the evenings, although I found a bit unneccecery some programmes, for instance mandela, and we should have hiked more in the beautiful landscape. Some night was a bit disturbing, when one tried to sleep, and couldn’t because of the loud noise. I think we had enough time to get to know one another.

Overall I think it was great 11 days for everyone. We made great friends. If I could, I’d go again.

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