Sunday, 3. July 2011
The Peace Bear

donated by Andi Kadelka, the accompanying teacher of the Hungarian group

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Saturday, 2. July 2011
weather - forecast for the next few days

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Monday, 27. June 2011
Waldviertel - Portal

peacecamp 2011: Solidarität am Ginkgo-Baum

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Saturday, 25. June 2011
please bring a few personal photos and/or a few minutes video

Dear participants of all groups
we would be very grateful if you could bring a few shots of pictures or a few minutes of video-film showing actual scenes in your own environment/home/school/life space, with youself on it and/or some of your family/friends/teachers/neighbors. That could help us imagine how and where you live and what life looks like in your environent.

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Thursday, 23. June 2011
Rotary Club Perchtoldsdorf - Charity Event, June 23rd to 25th, 2011

The Rotary Club Perchtoldsdorf, one of our generous sponsors, invited us to show posters of the peacecamp project at their charity event (oldtimer rallye and ball). The Club has also mentioned their support for us in their brochure for this event.

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