Mariah: Accompanying teacher of the Arab-Israeli group from the
Orthodox Arab College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
peace means to me understanding the other side or sides and accepting to hear their opinions_without any try to force them to live a different life in a different way.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
refusing to hear other sides and opinions
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
teaching my children and my pupils that in order to build a peaceful society we should learn to accept other cultures
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
taking part in projects that calls for dialouge with other people and cultures.
2. NOAH , birth date.12.95
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
3. Dareen Sader , born 12.4.1996, Arab Orthodox College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means freedom to do whatever you want without hurting anyone.
Peace means equality between every single person on this planet .
Peace means living together as one without crimes or racism . Peace is small word which have the power to change the whole world and make it a better place to live in !!!
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles to peace is that each side or each country must give something up …. We can't get Peace if we don't give the other side what they want even though we really need it !
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I tried a lot of times to talk to my friend and classmates about this issue and showed them the advantages of peace and how much it is important
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can try to convince people in my age in my opinions and together we can plane meetings with " the other side " and hear what they want to say …Because eventually we are the new generation and hopefully we will make the change
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. RULA, born 9.3.1996, orthodox Arab college
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace is waking up every morning with the feeling of serenity and freedom, not having to worry about hearing of another case of murder, of innocent men, women and children on a racial basis or as a result of a cruel war every time you’re about to watch the news.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The refusal to compromise, racism, people judging each other , people not willing to accept other people’s opinions and the feeling of tension as a result of the constant occupation and injustice.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I take part in demonstration in support of peace and in multiple
Activities and programs that promote peace among the younger ages such as this one.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I will not lose hope I’ll fight for my rights and other people’s rights as well…There are a lot of ways to contribute to bring peace into our region, first to try and make people from both sides meet more in order to get to know each other because when you know the other side you are more willing to compromise and respect their needs, And second explain to the people that choosing war will bring more devastation and injustice, killing and suffering for both sides.
5. Amir Haddad , Birth Date 12/3/96 , Orthodox Arab College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means that people live together without hate, racism, discrimination with equal rights and benefits no matter of their beliefs, race, and religion. Peace is when there is no killing, wars, stealing, rape or any crime in any form. But sadly the world that we live in hasn’t even come close to that state of being.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
In my life, there are many obstacles to peace. As an Arab, I always feel the racism that people have for me just because I’m an Arab. These people in most cases don’t know any Arabs, the only thing that they know about Arabs is what they see in the movies and in the news, they never stop to think that there are over a billion Arabs in the world and that they cannot judge all these people according to what they see in the media. Another big obstacle is that there are many people in my race who have been kicked out of their land and had their land stolen in the 1948 war, and until these people get the right to return to this land, there will be a very slight chance for peace in the region we live in.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
In the land that I live in, which is filled with hate and racism, I promote peace by showing people of other races which live here who think all Arabs are terrorists and that if I identify myself as a Palestinian Arab I automatically hate Jews that I don’t hate Jews or any certain race and that I live in peace with them in one city and one piece of land. I think that changing the way Arabs and Jews think about each other is the best way to promote peace in this part of the world.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I will continue to change the way people think about Arabs by showing them that most Arabs are peaceful people and that we can live side by side with different races peacefully.
6. ADI MANSOUR , Your Birth Date 12/6/1996 Orthodox Arab Collage
Dear peacecamp-participant,
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peac is a significant thing in my life. Living safely and peacefully with every other person on earth,with no hate and discrimination,but still not forgetting our civil and human rights
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
One of the main obstacles to peace in my context of my life is discrimination between people from different races, cultures and religions that creates hatred in those people. Another obstacle in my context of my life is the conspiracy of the governors towards the minority in different states
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
So far, I had participated in several demonstrations that promote peace.
Moreover, I had participated in seminars and lectures encouraging peace globally.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
In the future I will contine participating in different demonstrations, lectures and seminars in order to increase the awareness of the upcoming generation.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Marian Shiban,Birth Date 18.8.1996, Your school Arab Orthodox College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means that there is no hate between us and no racism and no prejudice, and all people have equal rights and benefits no matter of which background they come from.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
There are many obstacles to peace in this part of the world. One is the hate that has developed over the years because of the never ending conflict. Another is the misunderstanding that has been created by the media between the different groups of people in this world.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I make friends from different races and religions to reduce the hate between people in our region.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I will try to change the way that people think about each other and judging before meeting them and convince them that we all can live in peace if we try to understand ao respect others opinions and thoughts.
8. Firas Habib,Birth Date 29/3/1996,
Orthodox arab college
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
It means to me :1) good relations between two nations .
2)two nations that understand each other and which seeks for others nation’s good too
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles are : 1) people that think they are better than others or in other words racism
2)prejudice , people think they know who other people are because of articles, movies, commercial that shows a false image of the person. Which can create hate !
3)bad leadership . many parents teach their children to hate others . then these children grow up and teach their children to hate others too. which creates a circle of hate that couldn’t be stopped .
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I have went to many summer camps where there are Arab and Jewish children . I live in a mostly Jewish neighborhood. I hangout with Jewish friends and try to understand their side of the conflict
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can go out more often with my Jewish friends . maybe play some sports and forget about politics . ill learn more about their side of the conflict and
try to understand each other . I will teach them about our side of the conflict and I am sure we will get to an agreement
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. MaRiaa Shiban, Birth Date 09/06/1996, The Orthodox Arab College.
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means to me living in a world without racism, without people judging you just because of your skin color, your religion, or any other group of people you belong to.
Peace means that every single person has the right to express himself knowing that other people will accept his opinion or at least try to understand.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles to peace are:
(1) There are many people with prejudices that refuse to listen to the other side.
(2) The existence of dictatorship in different countries – which prevents people from expressing their opinions.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I studied for five years in a school which it’s purpose is teaching the students to listen to different opinions, trying to understand the other side, listening to thing from different points of view.
Nowadays the only thing that I can do to promote peace is to be open-minded, to listen to others & accepting different opinions.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I don’t know if I can change other people, but I know that I will always listen to people from the other side, listen to what they think, to the story from their point of view.
Never judge anyone before I get to know him personally because even though he seems to look different or we belong to different religions or any other thing, he can be a better person that a person who has the same skin color like me and speak the same language and has the same religion.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. RAWY KHTIB, Birth Date 3,FEB,1996
Arab Orthodox College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means to me to accept the others, to accept people for who they are and not for their religion or their color, or nationality, and to be able to live with them without hate or war.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacle to peace is giving up for the other to keep the peace living and I think that if the people can't give up there is no other obstacles to peace because then there will be no peace
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I have participated in two peace programs other than peace camp the first on is calls Sadaka-reut which is an organization that work on peace with Palestinians who live in Israel and Jewish Israelis.
The other organization is called Hands Of Peace which is an organization that work with Palestinians from the west-bank, Palestinians who live in Israel, Jewish Israelis, and Americans.
And in my daily life I try to promote peace in any way I can such as talking to them, or making movies about peace.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can continue working with peace organizations, and making movies and Awareness campaign and I'm going to be the adult of the future and I'm going to lead the community
11.Katee Jaraisy, Birth Date 28/9/96
The Arab Orthodox College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means living together peaceful, serenity and safely without any wars, discrimination between people.
So we all can live with equal rights without hate, crimes or killing.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
the main obstacles to peace is the discrimination between people and being judge by people who don’t encourage living in peace however they support killing and wars.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I took parts in programs about peace in school that I had learned a lot from it, also I had participated in camp that يختص in peace.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I will keep take parts in peace programs and learning more about promoting peace in my country and the world, also I will keep trying change the way people judge each other.
12. ANNE-SOPHIE RAUCH, 23.07.1993
BG9 Wasagasse 10, 1090 Wien, Austria
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace to me means living in that way I like to live . loving whom I want to love and being who I want to be without being discriminated. Accepting and respecting the difference in people.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
Sometimes society has its own view on how things have to be, how people have to think and behave and if you don‘t fit in it‘s very difficult to live the life you want to live.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I‘ve followed my opinions and have done what I can do, not to discriminate people of different colors, cultures, gender and religions.... I try to understand and respect other people.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
Trying to go on this way and listening to people with other opinions and try to understand them.
13. KHOULOD, 13/05/1972, _Arab Orthodox School___
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
-Peace means for me to live and let others live by their own beliefs and opinions.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
- Violence and misunderstanding each other.
-Unknowing other cultures and languages.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
- I participate last year with Jewish group about lectures that encourage to accept the other.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
-To educate my students about respect, tolerance, and accept the others.
-Participate camping such as peace camp.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Bath-Sahaw , Austrian group
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you?
I think the word peace describes the ability of people to live together in a world with as little conflicts as possible. Of course I understand that it would be utopia to suggest a society without conflicts, but I think we can avoid them by talking to each other and not forcing fights in a violent way. I think peace means to accept each other, it doesn’t mean everyone has to be friends, but at least we should respect the other ones rights and needs.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in our world?
I think money and borders play important parts in the circle of war and peace, because it may occur that a fight in a global background starts because of different opinions, or as in many examples from history visible, because of religions, but what usually follows is just the expansion of the problem on other fields (land).
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
Maybe my work for a student’s page of a newspaper tries to unite, I wrote some articles on the topic of peace and intercultural dialogue, but I don’t think this is enough. I think it is important to react, when we even occasionally hear an attack against someone in the underground and react. In my opinion watching is as bad as committing an offense. What might be very important also is to discuss and try to talk to people with different opinions or views on certain topics.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
Probably dialogue is important in every context, so I think it is for myself very important to work on that and to make peace visible, because what we hear and see in the media over the day are mostly negative news, so I’d try to make peace work public and show everyone that there does exist an alternative called peace.
15. Amir Msheael , Birth Date 31.5.1996, O.A.C – Orthodox Arab College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means living together in an acceptable life terms without any hatred, racism, wars and prejudice .. A peaceful place can be defined so, when it doesn't include inequality between its people, which involves peace with equal rights and duties to every single person no matter his origins, race, beliefs or belongings .. Peace also requires listening and accepting other people and having mutual respect between both sides and between all the people, because after all we are all humans .
* * *
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
Many obstacles and elements affect on the peacemaking progress in the context of my own life which are mainly : 1)Racism: Not listening, accepting or respecting other people when seeing some differences between people
2) The fact that many people aren't actually composed to different civilizations and cultures, and having stereotypes on them depending to what they hear on radio and see on the T.V and the internet (Media) !!
* * *
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
In my everyday life I always discuss these topics with my family and friends in order to promote the peace in our land !
I listen to different people's opinions and their different points of view and try to accept them .. I am also composed to other races and religions .
Everybody should be so, so the peace can be expanded all over OUR WORLD .
* * *
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I will continue listening to other opinions .. And I will try to make my opinion and point of view clear so we could live peacefully among earth …
16. AYALA EHRLICH, Your Birth Date 9/9/1995
Ironi Alef High School, Israel
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means to me to have the possibility to live side by side with people around me and to know that both of us will help the other in case of need. More than that, it means to know and respect each others beliefs, to feel that we both make an effort and try to keep a good relation between us- so we don't let things just happen, we take responsibility of what happens.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
In my opinion one of the things that prevents peace is when people close themselves in their own life so they aren't aware of what happens around them and they don't even try because they are satisfied with their own life. This, I think, is one of the reasons why some people don't need or don't want to do anything to promote peace.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I took part in a camp of three days in Kibutz Neve Shalom (a kibutz in which 50% of the inhabitants are Arabs and 50% are Jews). In the camp a group of kids from Tel Aviv met a group from Sahnin and we discussed the israeli-palestinian conflict, how to handle it and the ways to solve it. Now, after that camp I try to stay updated about what happens in the world and I try to talk about it with different people who show me different sides of the same problem.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I think that what I'll do in the future will start in the camp- the first and most important thing I need to do is to learn as much as I can about all the different cultures that surround me, meet and talk with people from all those places and hear their point of view. Then I think it's important to get other people to hear about the experiences I have had so they too, will hear about a different reality than the one they know. With that knowledge and understanding we could act together to promote peace because for a group it's easier to convince and influence society than for an individual.
17. Gábor Hegedűs, born 21.04.1993, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means to me that everybody can tolerate the different lifestyles, and they can live side by side in harmony, but I think in real life it is impossible.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The political parties don’t have any similar viewpoints in my country, and it makes the decisions harder about what is good, and what is not. On the other hand, I need to be more tolerant than I am now, and I hope that this camp will be the final step to reach this.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
If people are arguing about different cultures and ethnical groups, then I calm them down, and help them to talk and solve the problems about these things.
Otherwise, I know more things about different races and their culture like most people (because I am interested in this topic), so I can tell exciting and interesting things to the others, because if they knew more things about ‘them’, they could tolerate their religion and culture much better.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I like policy, but I do not want to be a politician, so the only way I could help is to tell people that the news and gossips are not true in most cases about the Jews, Afro Americans, or about any other ethnical groups.
18. Sámuel Kovács, born 06.11.1994, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
I think world peace means to be kind to my parents, my brother and sister, and my friends, and to be forgiving.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles are thirst for power, money, and everyday hurry.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I’ve avoided arguing and have tried to be kind to everybody.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
We must listen to the other people, and accept the difference between different people.
19. Ákos Szabó-Tóth, born 21.11.1993, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
It's important in my life, because I don't like arguing and fighting, I always want peace with people.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The other people.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I haven't done too much. Sometimes when my class-mates are arguing I usually say to them: "you can talk it over", but in my country I haven't done much.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I don't know, but I will look for some things, with which I can promote peace in my country.
20. Nikolett Polácska, born 19.09.1993, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Aside from world-wide snags, every person has his/her own problems. The most important is to try to avoid useless quarrels and confrontations. To achieve this, we have to respect mankind and tolerate each other.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
People are too biased and selfish and prefer their own interest and property.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I try to avoid useless conflicts and be diplomatic if a fight occurs. But of course without generating new ones.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I do the same! It’s very important to be consistent!
21. Tímea Szabó, born 07.04.1994, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
In my opinion the peace is very important in the everyday and the family, because the familiar circumstances permit of the development for the children and the parents can listen to them.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
Fortunately, I have very peaceful life, but it is sure, there are many country where this question mean lots of problem
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I think it is beyond possibility with laws. It is necessary to change the opinion of the people.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
Maybe I can’t anything alone, but I can promote in the future the movements which are engage in the peace.
22. Zsóka Szabó, born 27.06.1995, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
I think peace means love, tolerance, freedom and democracy. I try to be kind and help to everyone. I usually don’t start to fight with anybody. I try to solve problems peaceful.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
I think all people are equal, but some people don’t believe it is true. They condemn other people and it’s wrong. There are a lot of situations like this, but fortunatelly it hasn't happened to me...
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I think I have been promoting peace in my everyday life by setting a sample for the others, how to make up after a disagreement, how to resolve problems. I like peace in my life and it would be nice if more and more people realised how important it is, so it can become widely accepted and applied. Sometimes I think it is too idealistic,but it would be so nice if it came true.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I think we could show to everybody how important peace is with our behavior, with our way of thinking. We should show to other people how to live in peace.
23. Dóra Katona, born 25.10.1994, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
When everything is all right,there is no problem, no fighting in my family or with my friends.When I haven’t got anything to worry about it.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The different view,and the opposites.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I haven’t done anythong yet.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
Organize more community programs in the country and take each other ,and help each other independent the nationality.
(nemzetiségől függetlenül elfogadni,segíteni egymást)
24. Péter Kovács, born 22.07.1994, Szent László Gimnázium
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
I imagine it will be a good days and it will give some experience in the grammar. I would like to pick up with somebodies.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
I think in my life has peace because nobody shoots onto other person. In our life(in Europe) I think just be conflict some people beetween.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
It should more things, for example:kindness for other people, greenpeace life style and more, more different action.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
I can say for the people if they do a bad thing or just give a smile for my neighbour in the bus.
25. Anna Sará Kadelka, born 15.04.1996, Váci Utcai Ének-Zenei Általános Iskola
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means to me that we tolerate each other’s differences, and can live together in harmony, and when there is a problem, we can discuss it.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
As a teenager I am full of questions and I don’t always find a good solution to a problem. I also feel that sometimes people misunderstand me.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I am the student president in my school and we try and discuss every problem that comes up in our meetings. I mediate between my teachers and the students, and also make them understand and accept each other’s views.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
I think this is a difficult problem. If I had more power (political), I would take action against racism by making strict laws and rules. In our world, unfortunately there is a lot of racism, it’s getting more and more difficult to calm people.
26. Nedal: Accompanying teacher of the Arab-Israeli group from the
Orthodox Arab College
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
_World peace means to me equality of rights between nations and differential cancellation of religion of race of sex.. which is achieves human activities, and better world for all of us!!
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The obstacles to peace in my own life is that the great part of people in my country think that Arabs in the same country are the main threat of their being and existence… and as a result Arabs in my country are deprived in all levels. And you can take me as an example – I am a displaced in my country.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I tryed very hard during a peacful ways to convince goverments in israel to recognize in our right to live in our villege Biream, but 63 years since the displacement.. nothing moved yet. Even that there is a court decision to let us be back home.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
I will keep doing and struggling and trying in a peaceful ways until I will achieve my dream, to be an equal in my country!!
27. B. K., born 22.2.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word "peace" means for me no wars, harmony and happy life. Living together without hate.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
No one knows how to compromise and each side isn't ready to really listen to the other.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I know some Arab families, some of them work with my father and they sometimes visit us at home. I don't judge anybody until I know him really well.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
To keep on talking about peace and never give up.
28. Ili Arkind, born 23.10.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace means no wars, happy life without concerns. It's a dream for me.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles to peace in my opinion are: remembering the past and all the wars.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I take part in a group at school which conducts many activities against prejudice.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can meet the other side.
29. Amir Adar, born 13.12.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means to me quiet and hapiness, people live together and work together.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
I think that the main obstacles to peace in my are are: First, the war and the hate. Second, stereotypes.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I participated in demonstrations for peace. I'm very active at school promoting tolerance.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
When I'll be an adult I will be the prime-minister of Israel and I'm going to fight the racism.
30. Aviv Gur, born 3.6.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Living together in harmony, without wars or conflicts.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
Each side believes that the whole country belongs to it.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
When I hear people use prejudice statements I tell them to stop.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
To organize meetings, and keep on talking with people.
31. Tahel Lekach, born 10.7.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
For me peace means people living with no racism. People being treated because who they are and not because what there reliefs are or what their religion is. World with no wars!
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
I think that the main obstacles to peace in my life is that in the country I live in, there is a lot of racism.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I participated in a demonstration for peace.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I cant change the whole wolrd/country but I can deffenetly change my friends thoughts and try to make them think about peace as something realistic.
32. Yael Lavi, born 29.8.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace for me is the purpose of many people around the world. It means living peacefully without fears.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
In my opinion it is difficult for each side to give in and that is why it is hard to compremise.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I joined a group of students at school which tries to fight prejudice.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can participate in demonstrations for peace.
33. Noam Shachar, born 17.3.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
In my opinion, peace means no wars, no tention. Living peacefully without any concerns.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
In my opinion, the main obstacles are events from the past and the history of conflicts, that are hard to forget.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
Mainly at school I participated projects in connection with prejudice.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can convince people, not give up hope.
34. Alon Cohen, born 28.8.1996, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
Peace for me means living together, without wars. Peace for me means a situation of peace contracts with other countries.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
In my live the obstacles to peace are: 1) When I am hearing that someone from my country was murdered or when I see two people fighting just because they aren't from the same country.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I am always trying to promote peace in my own society, when I am arguing with my friends about all the Jew-Arabic situation because many of my friends are hating the Arabics just because they are different or because some stigmas, and my goal is to change that even a bit will be a success.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I can try to change what other people is thinking about it and hope that I succeed and they will pass that on.
35. O., born, Carmel Zvulun High School
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
The word peace means to me that will be no wars and all human will have equal rights.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
I think that the main obstacles to peace is the fact that people in the world hates people that they are diffrent from.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I have done so far things to promote peace in my school. I participated in a demonstration against racism.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
I think that I can do things in the future to promote peace but I can't change everyone. I need to tell my friends I and hope they will tell their friends and after this more people will be interest in the peace.
36. Carina Scheller, born 24.3.1994, business.academy.donaustadt
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
To me it means living without prejudices , racism, discrimination and being accepted the way you are. It means living without war or hate.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
The main obstacles are discrimination, prejudice and racism. Many people aren´t tolerant.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I have avoided unnecessary conflicts with friends and classmates.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
I will stay open-minded. I will listen to the opinions other people have.
37. Xenia Donschachner, born 11.9.1994, Akademisches Gymnasium Wien
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
To me, peace means to be able to live with others in mutual respect and at the same time to be able to live your life the way you would like to as much as possible.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
Lack of mutual respect and inability to compromise are in my opinion the greatest obstacles to peace.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
So far I have only gathered experience with peacekeeping in the circle of my family and friends, and occasionally at school.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
Participate in the peacecamp. Try, and keep on trying, to do everything I can as far as possibe.
38. Sarah Heer, born 2.7.1995, Akademisches Gymnasium Wien
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
-In my opinion peace is when people are able to respect and accept each other (no racism).
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
-I think one of the main obstacles to peace are racism, disrespect and extremists.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
-I didn´t have any chance yet to promote peace in my own country.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country?
-I can be a part of human rights organizations or of something else.
39. Matthias Ploder, born 31.1.1995, Akademisches Gymnasium Wien
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your own life?
World peace means the coexistence of different people, regardless of which culture, religion they take part. It means the willingness to solve problems together that there are not any disadvantages for one side (in the best way) or that the disadvantage is portioned on every side.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your own life?
My own incapability to act sometime without a senseless projection of my own problems on another one. May be a “human defect” but that is not an excuse. Sleep deficit may be another reason to stop thinking peaceful.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own country?
I try to live in a mind opened way. To stop seeing people as a folk, as a stereotype, as an employee or an employer. I try to understand, to listen carefully. To be able to communicate with the liability to make a fault, to solve a problem together. My friends roots lay (nearly =D I don’t know any Australian) all around the world: from Columbia, to Ghana, Burkina Faso, Iran, Poland, China,…
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own country
I may learn some more languages. (I think one basic of peace is the communication, and the language is an excellent way to exchange mind) I will learn more about foreign cultures. And at least I will “simply” try to care about my friends and family members, to live in peace with them. I cannot change much.. but I try to give my best in the domain I am able to do something.
40. Isabella Messinger, born 15.5.1995, Akademisches Gymnasium Wien
1. Imagine - what does the word peace mean to you in the context of your
own life?
I’m lucky to live in a peaceful country. Austria, a small country in the center of Europe, has luckily no mayor conflicts with ist neigbouring countries. Personally, I sometimes argue with my parents, but mostly we are peaceful. Sometimes controverses with them are necessary to solve problems.
2. Imagine - what are the main obstacles to peace in the context of your
own life?
The main obstacle for peace is the lack of willingness to listen to each other, causing misunderstanding. Often problems could be solved easily by listening to each other, and very seldom by following prejudices.
3. Imagine - what have you done so far to promote peace in your own
Not that much so far. I’m not a violent character, so personally I live quite peaceful with the people around me. But I am alarmed because the pressure of politicians and people against refugees is rising in Austria and in neighbouring countries as well.
4. Imagine - what can you do in the future to promote peace in your own
I paritcipate at the peacecamp 2011 to get a better understanding and to promote peace in our country, in Hungary, in Palestina and Israel.
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The Carmel Zvulun High School of Kibbutz Yagur, Israel
"Carmel Zvulun" is located in Kibbutz Yagur, 5 km east of Haifa. It serves a total of eight hundred and forty students who come from kibbutzim and moshavim in the north of Israel. It offers academic study leading to matriculation and vocational training which includes fashion design, graphic design and robotics/mechanics. The school is widely acclaimed for its educational standards and achievements whilst maintaining an atmosphere of flexibility, warm relations with students and an ability to respond to their special needs.
The Carmel-Zvulun Junior High and High School knows in his special for its program which serves 76 deaf and hard of hearing students.
Those students travel daily from far and wide to attend Carmel Zvulun, coming from Kiryat-Shmona in the North and Hadera in the South.
The Szent László Gimnázium, Budapest, Hungary
The Arab Orthodox College - Haifa, Israel
The Arab Orthodox College in Haifa is an educational and cultural foundation, that was founded in 1952 by the Greek Orthodox Christian community in order to serve the entire Arab public in Israel.
The school main goals are:
- To make the students believe that dignity and freedom are top values.
- strengthen love for knowledge, culture, and creativity.
- To Promote student belonging to the Palestinian identity and humanity, and rejecting extremism and racism, and at the same time, deepen his association with his language, history and civilization
- The adoption of education based on democracy, equality and understanding among all members of society is bound.
Irony Alef high school of arts
Ayala's school
The school I'm learning in is called Irony Alef high school of arts. The school starts at the 7th grade until you graduate, 12th grade. The school is special because it includes art in your studying and you can choose to pass the final tests in the domain you chose. The possibilities are: dance, cinema, theater, music and visual arts. The school is placed quite in the middle of Tel Aviv near art centers for each of the proposed domain, so parts of the art lessons aren’t teach in the school but in those centers.
A link to school's site:
Wasa Gymnasium
Anne-Sophie's school
The Wasa Gynasium is a traditional school in Vienna founded in 1871
The school system bases on communication and language competence, our “Gymnasium” offers a humanistic branch with ancient Greek, Latin or a modern foreign language.
The “Realgymnasium” offers, in addition to two foreign languages, through computer instruction. Starting in the sixth year, these classes are lead as laptop classes.
Many famous people visited the school for example Karl Landsteiner, Ari Rath or erich Fried.
Over centuries the school was known for its high rate of jewish pupils. During the national socialism the school was unfortunately convert into a „jewish collecting school“. A memorial table reminds us of the pupils killed by the regime...
AHS Heustadelgasse
Sahawa's school
The BG BRG BORG Heustadelgasse is located in Vienna’s 22nd district. It is a middle school and secondary school. Around 1000 students attend the Heustadelgasse. It offers two different types of education. The “Gymnasium” has a focus on languages and humanities whereas the “Realgymnasium” offers more mathematics and natural science. There is a special programme in the second year of secondary school for all students: All students are taught in classes of communication and conflict management and lessons in project management.
Carina's school
The business.school.donaustadt Polgarstraße is located in Vienna in the 22nd
district. It is a business school and a business academy where the students
are taught to present, information technology, accountancy and business
studies. In the business academy you can choose a foreign language and
attend a laptop class. The business.school.donaustadt tries for
Akademisches Gymnasium
School of Isabella, Matthias, Sarah and Xenia
Our school, the Akademische Gymnasium Vienna, was founded in 1553 and has its seat in the building on Beethovenplatz 1, 1010 Vienna since 1866. The school was built by Friedrich Schmidt, a famous architekt who also built the Dome and our city hall. It is a public school, meaning everyone can sign up for admission and there are no school fees to pay aside of the books. Some of the more famous students were, for example, E. Schrödinger, A. Schnitzler, F. Schubert, who determined and formed their time politically, socially and intellectually. We have about 610 students, in 24 classes, and ouir school starts after grade school and continues until graduation. The school focus lies on languages, you can choose either English or French in first grade, then in the following year the other language is automatically added to the first. In third grade, Latin classes begin, in fifth grade you can choose between your second language and Old Greek, and in sixth grade you can choose between Spanish, Italian or Chinese. Apart from the regular classes, you can also choose out of a variety of voluntary subjects, specialised in one field. For people who love sports, there is also a wide range of possibilities, for example volleyball, soccer=football, or for instance climbing, as well as jazz dance.
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peacecamp 2011: Solidarität am Ginkgo Baum
Solidarität am Ginkgo-Baum
Jüdisch-israelische, arabisch-israelische, ungarische und österreichische Jugendliche im Spannungsfeld zwischen nationaler Zugehörigkeit und kultureller Vielfalt
4. – 14.Juli 2011 in Reibers/Waldviertel und in Wien
Rund um den Ginkgo Baum in der kleinen Ortschaft Reibers im Waldviertel setzten sich je 10 Jugendliche aus vier Nationen mit Fragen der eigenen Identität und ihrer Einstellung zu Anderen auseinander.
Aus ihrer Heimat haben sie Gedanken und Anschauungsmaterial zu ihrer persönlichen, nationalen und religiösen Identität mitgebracht, die sie wärend der 11-tägigen Begegnung in kreative Formen gießen und an letzten beiden Tagen einem größeren Publikum in Reibers und in Wien darstellen werden.
Zur Überwindung von Sprachbarrieren wird ein multikulturelles Team aus Künstlern und (Kunst-)TherapeutInnen mit den Jugendlichen Kommunikationsformen entwickeln, die über die Grenzen der Sprache hinausgehen und geeignet sind, der Erlebniswelt Anderer Sinne und Herz zu öffnen.
Gespräche mit den Ortsbewohnern, ein Ausflug zum einstigen Eisernen Vorhang an der österreichisch-tschechischen Grenze sollen eine zusätzliche Dimension der Begegnung mit „Fremden“ vor ihrem (zeit)geschichtlichen Hintergrund be-greifbar machen und beide, Gäste wie Gastgeber, zu einer Reflexion über die eigene und die „fremde“ Gruppe anregen.
Eine psychoanalytische Selbsterfahrungsgruppe soll das Erlebte einer Reflexion zugänglich machen, vier Kulturabende ein lustvolles Kennenlernen der beteiligten Nationen und Kulturen ermöglichen; Arbeit mit dem Mikrophon, im Rampenlicht, vor und hinter der Videokamera sollen zu einem verbesserten Selbstbild und zu mehr Selbstrespekt beitragen und die als „Botschafter des Friedens“ heimkehrenden jungen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer gegen Xenophobie und Rassismus impfen.
Abschlussshow und Urkundenverleihung „Certificate Ambassador of peace“ in Reibers (12. Juli); große show4peace im Dschungel/MuQu Wien (13. Juli).
10 Jugendliche jeweils aus Ungarn, Österreich, sowie aus einer jüdisch- und einer palästinensisch-israelischen Ortschaft, letztere aus zum Teil ländlicher Bevölkerung.
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peacecamp 2011: Around the ginkgo tree
peacecamp 2011: Around the ginkgo tree - Jewish-Israeli, Arab-Israeli, Hungarian and Austrian Youth between national identity and cultural diversity
July 4th-14th, 2011 in Reibers/Waldviertel and in Vienna
Youth from Austria, Hungary and Jewish and Arab young people from Israel will meet for 11 days around a ginkgo tree in the small village of Reibers in Lower Austria and discuss issues of their own identity and their relation to each other.
They will bring their own thoughts, ideas and gadgets to illustrate their personal, religious, cultural and national identities and will share these with each other, using creative tools to bridge communication gaps due to the lack of a common culture and language.
A team of artists, teachers and (art-)therapists will help them develop forms of communication apt to to share their experience with one another and to impart this to a larger audience, in Reibers as well as in Vienna.
Talks with the inhabitants of Reibers, a visit to the former Iron Curtain at the Czech-Austrian border and the shared time together will challenge both, hosts and visitors to reflect and check their attitudes towards borders between nations, religions and people.
Psychoanalytic group sessions will offer opportunities to reflect upon the attitudes and feelings evoked in this context; creative experience with artistic tools, trying out new modes of expression via the microphone, the video camera, a stage, an audience will hopefully foster the self-image and self-respect of the participants and provide them with a protective screen against racism and xenophobia.
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