- SLEEPING BAG AND/OR bed-sheet+cushion+blanket
- gym- or Yoga-mat like these
- inexpensive WHITE T- SHIRT, 100% cotton, washed, with your name written in it
- your FAMILY-ALBUM with photos, documents and texts about your family and origins
- your group's chapter of contemporary HISTORY:
please bring POSTERS which outline the topics you have prepared for the history workshop. Posters can be prepared/presented by more than one pupil.
- your group's preparation for "Culture evening"
- SPICES or ingredients of your favorite food
- any music instrument you play and can bring - guitar, flute, drum, accordion, castanets etc.
- an object of everyday life with which you can make sounds/music
- your photo-/videocamera, (if you have one)
- your favorite MUSIC. Maybe some music of your own culture/country
- if it exists in your country: ALPHABET SOUP
- plastic slippers
- pyjamas
- underwear
- jeans
- shorts
- light short-sleave-t-shirts
- long sleave shirt
- 1 warm sweater
- 1 pair of good waterproof shoes/sneakers
- rain cover or waterproof jacket
- head-cover
- sun-protection
- mosquito-repellent
- toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.
- if you are a girl: sanitary napkin/tampax or the like
- some pocket-money to spend, just in case ;-)
- your favorite SNACKS and nibbles, just in case....