of Palestinian-Jewish
Duos or Groups
Original or existing song that inspires.
Vocal, Instrumental, or Both.
Up to 5 minutes.
Before July 1, 2011
Music unites people who otherwise stay apart.
Fresh partnerships can create better relationships and
invent modern artistic expressions to speed humankind toward community.
Music's power can make us better people, as change begins in small circles of
creative individuals for our times — The Citizens' Century.
1. One song uploaded to YouTube or other site.
2. Name and contact information of each artist.
3. One paragraph describing artists and their relationship story.
4. E-mail all information including song's URL before July 1, 2011.
1. Videos will be viewed for vision, originality, and spirit.
2. Three most inspiring entrees will receive $500, $300, and $200.
3. Music URLs will be linked to this page for ongoing global appreciation.
Elias & Fanny Botto ~
Libby & Len Traubman ~
1448 Cedarwood Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403 USA
(650) 574-8303
All information is at
"We are the music makers, and
we are the dreamers of dreams."
~Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy (1844-1881)
and from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
"Use what talents you have;
the woods would have little music
if no birds sang their song except those who sang best."
~Reverend Oliver G. Wilson
"Music will save the world."
~Pablo Casals (1876-1973)
Sponsored by the Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue of San Mateo, California, USA
in July 2011 celebrating 19 years and 231 meetings of listening, learning, and cooperating
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Please take notice of the revised timetable for peacecamp 2011.
It is subject to change, but mandatory for all participants who are expected to attend, and to take part in, all the activities:
(application/, 23 KB)
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Dear group-coordinators,
Dear participants
please make sure to double-check before you close your suitcases, as a few more items may be added to the list in the course of the next days
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Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial Also known as the Nameless Library, the Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial commemorates the Austrian victims of the Holocaust. It's by far the most intriguing and moving installation of its kind in the country.
The Holocaust memorial in Vienna was an original initiative of Simon Wiesenthal, a well-known spokesman for Holocaust victims. Designed by the British artist Rachel Whiteread, it took many years to complete due to numerous political and aesthetic controversies. The 4-metre tall steel and concrete construction was finally unveiled in 2000. The installation features cast library shelves that seems as if they have been turned inside out. The book spines face inwards and the titles of books cannot be seen; neither can their content. The shelves seem to be occupied by countless copies of the same book, which represents the staggering number of the Holocaust victims.
The image of the book refers to the common concept of the Jews as the People of the Book. Part of the installation is also a large double door with the panels turned inside out, deprived of handles or knobs and thus impossible to open. The memorial has been internationally acclaimed as pointing to the blank space in Europe's cultural tissue that was generated by the Holocaust of the European Jews.
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