Saturday, 28. May 2011
Jüdisches Straßenfest


(application/pdf, 327 KB)

Liebe Freunde des peacecamps

Auch heuer nimmt unser Friedensprojekt wieder mit einem eigenen Stand am Jüdischen Straßenfest teil:
Am kommenden Sonntag, 29. Mai ab 14 h am Judenplatz in Wien 1.

Der peacecamp-Stand hat die Nummer 3 und befindet sich an der rechten Seite des Mahnmals.

Kommt uns beim Straßenfest besuchen,
Evelyn und Ronny!/event.php?eid=227699740577985

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Wednesday, 25. May 2011
show4peace/Reibers: July 12th; show4peace/Vienna July 13th

show4 peace/Reibers: visitors are welcome any time during the day. The time of the show will be announced here later

show4peace/Vienna: in the "Dschungel"/MuseumsQuartier. July 13th. The exact time will be announced here later

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Thursday, 19. May 2011

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Tuesday, 10. May 2011
Protection against TBE (Tick-Borne Encephalitis)

You absolutely have to be vaccinated against ticks bites.
In order to be protected, you need to receive two shots of the vaccine with an interval of at least 2 weeks between them, prior to your trip to Austria.

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Sunday, 8. May 2011
please join the peacecamp group in facebook

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