Meet Yap Sun Sun - creativity-and-fun expert

Dear Peace Campers, my name is Yap Sun Sun .Yap is my family name, my family came from China originally and we are known as the Hakka, which means "Guest People", because the tribe had to migrate many times from central China to other parts due to many wars.
I have never been in a war myself but somehow all the traveling done by my ancestors must have stayed in my blood. I have travelled much and now here I am in Austria.
I work and live in Austria together with my son, Apollo and his dad, Andi. I can't really believe that it has been almost ten years since I came to Austria and that it would already be the second Peace camp I am attending, even though the Peace camp last year is still so fresh in my mind. I still keep up with the young people from last year via FB!
I am really looking forward to meet you all and share some creative time together!
See ya! Sun Sun

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Meet Angelika Kisser-Maayan and David Maayan - creativity-and-fun experts

Hi, my name is Angelika Kisser-Maayan, I come from Austria and I am married to an Israeli, David - you will meet him, too. We have two children, and for the moment we live in Vienna. I am a theater artist and drama therapist, I work with people of all ages, colours and religions, often in different languages, and sometimes even without language.
I believe, that we learn from everyone, and every meeting is important. Many of my pupils were important teachers for me. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and to starting to create together. See you soon!

Salam, Shalom, Ahoi, Servus, and Hi, I am David Maayan. I was born in Israel and I am married to an Austrian. I am a theater artist and director, and I create, teach and direct here in Europe and in Israel. I enjoy creating theater full of surprises and originality. I also like to invite people to places made especially for them, to gather people, to meet and to
pass each other stories, jokes, food, songs, knowledge and friendship.
I am looking forward to meeting you all !

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Meet Silvio Gutkowski - the talking expert

Silvio"s words for the Peace camp , july 2011.

I am very happy to be a partner for this extraordinary experience.
I hope to contribute my large group conduction as a part of this learning enjoyable work.
Young people have a great oportunity to learn from the adults mistakes, and bring for them a even better world.
And I promise to make my best to help to achieve this valuable outcome.
Silvio Gutkowski

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Ronny, the "jack-of-all-trades"

Hi, I am Ronny, Evelyn's husband. We are going to have peacecamp no. 9, and it will also be MY ninth peacecamp. My job is to keep everything under control – or at least to try it. I am in charge of all kind of technical issues that have to be organized, so the peacecamp will run smoothly. And with the help of all of you, it will be success no. 9!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

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This is Evelyn, a believer in peace

evelyn&ronny showing "peacecamp" at the Jewish street-festival in Vienna

I am Evelyn.
I dream of a world which people of all nations and religions
can share in mutual respect and peace
I believe in the possibility of change
as a result of dialogue
and the wish to understand one another
I believe in the possibility to accept
another person’s or group’s viewpoint
even if you don’t share it
I don’t accept violence, vengeance, war or terror
as a way to resolve conflicts
between people and nations
I believe in the strength of compromise and sharing
I believe in the beauty of a world of peace

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